
This group show featured art that evokes emotions of reflections and creativity. The show featured the work of Marcus Alleyne, Keith Conner, Ladipo Famodu, Reynaldo Ferdinand, Felicia Preston Grant, Alvin Hawkins, Zhana Johnson, Raymond Mays, Miguel, Yaounde Olu, Mary Qian, Patricia Stewart, Patrick Thompson, and Krystal Grover Webb.

A Conversation with Timuel D. Black Jr.

Landmarks Illinois invites you to a special Black History Month event at the South Side Community Art Center featuring noted civil rights leader, educator, historian, author and WWI veteran Timuel D. Black Jr.

The Business of Art

Join a panel of experts for a discussion of best business practices and strategies for artists and members of the creative community.

Resonance Artist Talk

SSCAC welcomes you to meet the artists of Resonance. Do not miss out on the conversation.